I have built this website for my own enjoyment, but at the same time I want all my  Safari images to be visible to all those who helped me to have such a wonderful time in Kenya - UK organisers, Camp Managers & Staff, Guides, fellow-travellers - as well as my family and friends in the UK and elsewhere.
‘Intellectual Property’ is a tricky business and when it comes to images I’m sure it’s a minefield!  Nevertheless I am the author of all the images here and would like to protect that status as best as I can. Watermarking is tedious and more often than not prevents the viewer from enjoying the image. So no watermarking -  but I have made it more difficult to hijack the images and I have also ‘protected’ the website by registering with protectmywork.com.  All the images are registered with them.  
Peter Dowling asserts his right to be considered to be the author and creator of the website pd-images.net and its entire contents, including, but not limited to all the images embedded in the said site.
Without written permission from the creator, reproduction of any embedded images is strictly prohibited.
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